
Archive for November 10th, 2008

I wonder today if we have redefined biblical terms. I believe that we have. Case in point “pastor”. I go on websites and listen to guys and I wonder how in the world do they call themselves pastors. Now I do want you to understand that the bible doesn’t call individuals pastors, only Christ as far as I can tell, but there are people who are gifted to function in “shepherding”.

This will be quick, but let me explain something to you. If those in your care can’t touch you, they don’t know you, you don’t know them, there is no relationship, there is no personal care and concern, if this person dropped dead tomorrow and you don’t know about it, if you don’t know their families and they don’t know yours other than by face and name, if there is no mutual edification, if they love your teaching more than you, and your only interaction with them is an expository sermon, you are not “pastoring”. I want to make that clear and call people to the table.

There are way too many broken sheep. Way too many wandering sheep, way too many upside down families, way too many wounded sheep in the Church today to call what we do today “pastoring”. I will say this again, you aren’t pastoring. You may be doing something else but it ain’t pastoring. If those you are “pastoring” spend more time in your books than with you, then you aren’t pastoring. We need to start calling a spade a spade. We are doing a lot of stuff today, but I don’t even think it is Church as described in the scriptures. I will leave it at that. But I am getting way too many phone calls, there are way too many broken marriages, and burden-ladened Christians that I come in contact with to call what we call shepherding. No they aren’t going to come to you or the other elders, because they have no relationship with them. Most of these gentleman are figure heads, not relational elders. Okay that was it. But if people can’t come to you because they don’t know you or you are too busy stuck at conferences and writing books then please stop calling yourself a pastor you are confusing way too many people with that title. Find a new word.

>>>>>>>>>>Updated with BLD’s Comment<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

You are a pastor when:

1. People address you as one after you’ve been serving them constantly and consistently and your response is “Hey, I’m just your brother in Christ.”

2. People attempt to give you money for what you’ve done for them and you can immediately suggest a better person/place for them to give it.

3. Your happiest moments are people saying, “I’m praying for you” rather than “You are really anointed!”.

4. Your service to others is driven by their needs and not their creeds.

5. You’re willing to lose everything because you realize you have nothing to lose.

6. You see yourself as equally needful of the grace of Christ as you see everyone else.

7. You belong to the people who see you as their’s.

8. You cease seeing yourself as “on the clock”.

9. People call on Christ for spiritual needs before they call on you because that’s who you’ve pointed them to.

10. You see yourself as a trumpet in God’s hand and your only desire is for the Spirit to blow!

Not in that particular order but……

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