
Archive for November 1st, 2008

I was going to name this post “The Post That Never Was”. But I didn’t. This is actually an interruption to the normal program. The reason being, I post very little about voting. Why, maybe I am bit too Kingdom Minded I guess. Maybe my heart and mind lands elsewhere when it comes to the idea that America is a Christian nation, or maybe I just think that regardless of who gets elected, the church’s mission will not be hampered by anything this world can throw at us. I think Jesus says “I will build”. What God wants, God gets, remember Genesis 1 and 6? Not to mention the resurrection?

So let me tell you why I am writing this. This is a letter of extreme disappointment. Disappointment that men I used to respect as of very recently, I currently can not respect as Shepherds anymore. I love them as brothers, but I wouldn’t recommend anyone join their church. Why? Simply put, their over-alignment on political issues. If this shoe fits but it still hurts, I serve no apologies. If you read this and you think of me differently that is fine also. I believe it is perfectly fine for a shepherd to endorse a candidate, even from the pulpit. I think there is freedom there. As long as he stresses it as a matter of his personal conviction, not Jesus’. Let me repeat that. Endorse any candidate you want, but don’t put Jesus’ stamp of approval on them, which in turns leads to you pushing your PERSONAL conviction on others as Gospel Law thus using your position of leadership to coerce others.

What I have seen in this political race is disgusting to me. Men who questions other believers heart for Jesus if they vote in a way that they disagree with. Shame on you, and you don’t have the mind of Christ when you do such a henious thing. Once again voice your opinion, but when you call another Christian’s love for Jesus questionable because of their vote, you my friend have lost the right to Shepherd God’s people! Plain and simple. I have no fear of saying such a thing. Blog or face to face. My phone number and email is also available if you like to discuss this on a one on one basis.

My heart is heavy. Both those who shepherd and are democrats and those who shepherd and are Republicans have lost their kingdom focus and have endorsed the ways of the world. I have heard radio programs full of sensationalism. Men who teach at seminaries and pastor large denominational churches have called Obama “Marxist” and a “Socialist”. Maybe he has an over zealous on government involvement on social issues, but “Socialist” or “Marxist” is slander, it is defamation and a gross misrepresentation of this man’s policies. I agree that the governments role in many areas should be very limited; however, I see the same men calling Obama a “socialist” have no problem with the government having a say in who should marry and what should be taught in schools! Shame on you.

The Churches role is to be salt and light, and focus on the kingdom of God by doing what  we are called to do both individually and corporately. I believe most of government should rest within the state. So if gays like to get married, allow them to go to which ever state they like and fight the political system. Are we to retreat from that state if so, heck no, what a great mission field. I remember reading through Acts and Paul comes to this place that is full of witchcraft, temple prostitution, false gods, wickedness on every corner, as he spends time there, people come and bring their books and burn them to show their allegiance to Christ.

Why don’t we have that type of zeal anymore? We now need a specific party to assist us in bringing the kingdom to this world? HOGWASH, HOGWASH, HOGWASH! We have exchanged the Spirit of Christ for politics. I heard a specific leader in some popular churches out West (they are a national family of churches) say “I don’t know how anybody can vote for Obama, if they do so, don’t they know they will be ushering in the Anti-christ”. HOGWASH. This is manipulation and sensationalism at its best, there is no hermeneutic that one can employ to come to such a conclusion, other than the hermeneutic of sensationalism. That is garbage! And my heart is heavy for anyone in those churches because they are sitting under leadership who should be much wiser than that!

I have heard syndicated radio shows flip flop on voting, and even invite the potential VP on to speak. One who seems to be very weak in the scriptures but is speaking on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ? Hogwash! I have heard others post, blog after blog on abortion, the same abortion that a majority Republican Supreme Court allowed to become Law! I have seen people ignore that for 20 of the past 28 years Republican controlled the presidency. Not to mention had control of the House and Senate for a great deal of that time. Roe vs Wade wasn’t touched. I have seen a man like McCain who when first was running for Republican ticket called a RINO but now he is going to “bring this great nation back to its Christian roots”. The roots that haven’t been found yet. I have seen Mr. Bush endorse Muslims as compatible with Christianity but considered to be a “strong evangelical” actually that might be true but evangelical doesn’t necessarily mean regenerate anymore.  I have seen the same president not only do nothing to Roe vs Wade but allow the Morning After Pill.

I say all of that to say this. Shame on all of you who have aligned yourself politically for the hope of this nation. Our citizenship is a heavenly one. We are aliens in a land, awaiting the return of our Master. He has set the agenda for us clearly in scripture but we have traded that agenda for a plan b, one never endorsed by our Master or His Apostles! We ignore what we are commanded to do. I remember the Jews rejected their Messiah because they wanted a political leader, one who would crush the “evil” Roman empire. But Jesus came meek and humble and only concerned about the eternal Kingdom and all those who will be there through grace.

I promise I wrote this before I read the first link below.  However, below are some links that I believe will help us tremendously during this election.

1. Who will you vote for

2.  Will I Vote for McCain

3.  Christian Archy (3 parts)

4. Jesus or Julius

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